Keep in touch
PPP Taking Care, who provide the Age Co Personal Alarms service, would like to contact you about products and services that support people and help protect them, their homes and possessions.
Age UK1 would also like to let you know about the vital work they do for older people, our fundraising appeals and opportunities to support us, as well as the products and services you can buy.
If you, the payer, would like to hear from PPP Taking Care and Age UK in any of the ways below just tick the relevant boxes:
You can change your mind at any time by calling PPP Taking Care
on 01364 651600, writing to: FREEPOST PPP Taking Care, Linhay
House, Linhay Business Park, Eastern Road, Ashburton, TQ13 7UP
or emailing
1 Age UK includes the charity, its charitable and trading
subsidiaries (such as Age Co), and national charities (Age
Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI).
For further details on how your data
is used and stored by PPP Taking Care, please click
For further details on how your data is used and stored by Age UK please click